Cons modern education
Today, life is changing rapidly. Our reality is already unlike the measured existence of our parents. Modern children get a completely different than we, education. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, not very. Let’s try to figure out what worries us about the modern upbringing of parents, teachers and psychologists.
Consider the main disadvantages of modern education:
Child centrism Continue reading
Going to work after maternity leave: how can mother and child avoid stress?
Maternity leave ends? Need to go to work? Horror! This is how the situation seems to many moms. This is stressful for mom, because she no longer represents a day without her beloved child. Survive this moment with minimal losses is possible with a clear understanding of the need for what is happening. First of all, the mother should explain to herself why she should change her usual way of life and what consequences she would expect.
Mom’s moral preparation for going to work after maternity leave: “yes” or “no”? Continue reading
The white crow – not like a child – need help
Rogue people live near us, inside of us since childhood. An acute problem is characterized by various psychological terms: the white crow, the black sheep, the ugly duckling. What are the origins of this phenomenon? This is only the beginning of the list of issues that the article is devoted to.
Is the problem of obscure children true or contrived?
People should be proud that they are different – says British actor Daniel Radcliffe, known to many viewers for his role as a young wizard Harry Potter in the eponymous Anglo-American franchise. Continue reading
Causes of senseless lies in children
Children can be deceived when they are afraid that they will be scolded, or when they want to get something. But there is another kind of lie – “just like that.” Not that the parents, even the child himself can not then understand why he said “no”, when in fact he wanted – “yes.”
It took off
A lie of this kind seems completely harmless: it has no intent, a clear benefit, and, therefore, does not reinforce the habit of telling a lie in children’s behavior. But often it is she who worries parents most of all, and precisely because of her senselessness. Continue reading
How to teach a child to be friends
Often, many parents notice that their child is lonely. In the yard he plays away from the other guys. None of the children come to his house. He himself also does not want to go to someone from classmates after school. Why the child does not need to communicate with other peers? How to teach him to be friends, and what is the reason for his isolation in society?
Reasons for loneliness
It’s okay, many parents think. But therein lies a big problem that needs to be addressed as quickly as possible, while the child is still small. If he does not learn to communicate freely in childhood, then later, in adulthood, he will be much more difficult. Continue reading