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Children’s fears: the causes of their appearance and methods of dealing with them.
Almost all children are afraid of something. Some fears appear closer to school age, while others already in the year are seriously afraid of something. Of course, all parents are worried about this, and most of them rush with the child to a specialist, considering it to be a serious deviation. However, not everything is as scary as it may seem at first glance.
It is quite possible to overcome children’s fears at home, without resorting to the help of psychologists. But in order to do this, you must first find the cause of fear. Continue reading
The development of logic in children. Exercises and recommendations
The development of the logical thinking of a child is no less important than their mastering of reading, writing and speech skills. Logic for children is the basis of good intelligence, it helps to think extensively, analyze, reason, compare and draw conclusions. The formation of the logical skills of the child should be paid attention from an early age.
Thus, a small person will be able to better understand the world around us, to receive a harmonious and comprehensive development. In this article we will show you how to develop logical thinking in a child, provide exercises and recommendations on this topic. Continue reading
How to develop attention in a child
While the child is absolutely small, various bright and musical (sounding) objects can hold his attention. They can be babbling, rustling or rattling, with flashing or just luminous lights moving (for example, wind-up cars, dancing or singing animals).
The interior plays an important role in stimulating the attention of the infant. If the baby is constantly surrounded by the same situation, his attention is not trained. Try to change the position of the crib from time to time, so that a different look opens up to the look of the crumbs. Continue reading