Going to work after maternity leave: how can mother and child avoid stress?
Maternity leave ends? Need to go to work? Horror! This is how the situation seems…

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7 interesting facts about diapers
Buying another pack of diapers for your beloved baby, you do not think that this…


Cons modern education
Today, life is changing rapidly. Our reality is already unlike the measured existence of our…

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How to improve relations with the children of her husband from a previous marriage.
Many women get men who have children from their previous marriage. And this is a…


participation is necessary

Dad can, dad can …

The culture of motherhood and the lifestyle of young mothers change significantly due to the emergence of new needs for children, new available information about parenthood and opportunities.

Moms communicate, develop, build their business, create communities, organize thematic meetings. The big role of mother is obvious. And along with this, little is said about “popes”. About their participation in the life of the baby and the role in education; that the life of a man and the relationship of spouses also change dramatically after the appearance of a child in the family. Continue reading

The development of logic in children. Exercises and recommendations
The development of the logical thinking of a child is no less important than their…


How to improve relations with the children of her husband from a previous marriage.
Many women get men who have children from their previous marriage. And this is a…


Dad can, dad can ...
The culture of motherhood and the lifestyle of young mothers change significantly due to the…
