Causes of senseless lies in children
Children can be deceived when they are afraid that they will be scolded, or when…

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We read fairy tales with benefit
In our age of new technologies, parents increasingly prefer cartoons. It's so much simpler: put…


How to develop attention in a child
While the child is absolutely small, various bright and musical (sounding) objects can hold his…

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We train attention at the child: a guide for curious parents
Attention - one of the most important human qualities, so necessary in order to select…


count together

Nurture accuracy and diligence in the child

Have you ever wondered about how interconnected such concepts as raising a child in order and diligence? The answer to this question should be obvious: accuracy and diligence can be brought up only at the same time, since one is simply inseparable from one another.

It is very noticeable how neat the child becomes, getting closer to the younger school age, but the problem is that it is too late to start bringing up accuracy and love of work at this age. Continue reading

Going to work after maternity leave: how can mother and child avoid stress?

Maternity leave ends? Need to go to work? Horror! This is how the situation seems to many moms. This is stressful for mom, because she no longer represents a day without her beloved child. Survive this moment with minimal losses is possible with a clear understanding of the need for what is happening. First of all, the mother should explain to herself why she should change her usual way of life and what consequences she would expect.

Mom’s moral preparation for going to work after maternity leave: “yes” or “no”? Continue reading

How to teach a child to cook

Children from early age at home and in kindergarten are taught to self-care. Is cooking a child’s skill? No one disputes the importance of helping parents in the kitchen, but in most cases we take the baby out of the “cooker and sink” realm. Then X comes some time and comes the turn of surprise: why is this 12-year-old son reluctantly agree to chop vegetables for salad or wash dishes?

It is necessary to act correctly from the very beginning in order to reap the fruits of reasonable and good in the field of cooking with pleasure. Continue reading

to communicate with a teenager correctly so that everyone is happy. 7 rules for parents and children.
All parents have one common dream, so that the time has come faster when you…


Cons modern education
Today, life is changing rapidly. Our reality is already unlike the measured existence of our…


Traveling with a child: what do parents need to know?
We decided on the first rest with the child? Or are you an experienced parent…
