Traveling with a child: what do parents need to know?
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How to captivate children on the way to travel?

The reality of today is such that a lot of time has to be spent in the car. Trips to the store, to the grandmothers, to the country, to the nature, to the doctor, just to visit. Children are restless and capricious, it is difficult for them to sit motionless in a confined space. How to turn a trip into a pleasant and rewarding pastime?

For the safety of your baby, you must firmly remember that playing with food in the car is unacceptable. If the trip is long, it is better to stop and calmly eat, without putting the life of the kid in danger of choking. You should also remember the imperfection of the developing vestibular apparatus of the child. He and so is subjected to a huge load in a moving vehicle. Reading books, playing games and watching cartoons on a phone or tablet, coloring books, drawing pads should be strictly prohibited. This blurs the system of orientation of the body in space. At best, the child will rock, at worst, he will suffer from a severe headache.

Travel by car with a child up to a year.
At this age, it is important for children to feel the close presence of an adult. But the rules of traffic regulations require to deploy the chair in the other direction. The child feels abandoned and tries to attract the attention of crying. To prevent this from happening, it is desirable that an adult should be sitting in the backseat next to the cradle. If this is not possible – soothe your baby with your voice, it is important for him to know that he is not abandoned. Talk about everything you want, sing songs, retell tales. Automobile modules, rustling and squeaking rattles will save you from toys. Don’t forget the teether for itchy gums!

Traveling in a car with a child from one year to three years

It is difficult for babies to remain motionlessly chained to a car seat for a long time. During long trips, it is necessary to stop every one and a half to two hours so that the child has the opportunity to move and reset the accumulated voltage. At this age, the active development of speech. Keep the attention is still difficult – only 5 – 10 min. Ideal entertainment and the development of memory and vocabulary of the baby will be children’s songs and short poems. There are many professionally voiced works of Agnes Barto, Marshak, Mikhalkov and modern poets on the Internet. Also, your assistants will be small soft toys, or those that can not be hurt. Do not give the child all that you have prepared for him. It is better to give out one toy, so it will play with them longer. At this age, you can already play simple word games. Ask him to find a shop, a yellow car, a clothing store, or even a horse outside the window! In search of time flies by.

We travel in a car with children from three to five.

The automotive repertoire is expanded with musical tales, small plays and performances. Choose those where the actors color the text with intonation, where there is a lot of music and a plot close to the child. At this age, speech is already quite developed, it is possible and necessary to play more complex word games. Make simple riddles – red, round, sweet. What it is? For a start, you can make plans on a specific topic – fruits, vegetables, dishes, furniture, kindergarten, professions. When the child masters the game, he will be able to solve simple riddles himself. Another exciting game – It was – it became – it will be. You call the child any object and ask to tell what he was and what will be. For example, chicken – was an egg, will become a chicken. It is also useful to ask the child to describe the subject in different words. This game can be played by turns. What are apples?

– Red, green, yellow, big, small, ruddy, rotten, sweet, sour, etc. Toys in the car are also still relevant.

Preference is given to small non-separable toys, which are not too bad to lose and easy to wash.

Traveling with children after five years.

The little man can already entertain himself in the car. He is able to carefully listen to large audio books, but, nevertheless, try to avoid monotonous reading. Word games are becoming more diverse. You can play games with numbers, sounds, discuss abstract concepts such as kindness, meanness, creativity. Now guess anything, and the topic is not agreed in advance. Classification games are popular – who will call more vehicles? What happens in the kitchen? Interesting games – repeat-strings – each participant in turn must repeat everything that the previous participant said and add something of his own. You can recall an event together and play, who will remember more details. If the trip is long – give the child a voice recorder and ask him to describe everything he sees along the way. These records will become invaluable memories of travel.

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