Causes of senseless lies in children
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Causes of senseless lies in children
Children can be deceived when they are afraid that they will be scolded, or when…


Physical education for a preschooler

Everyone knows what role movement plays in maintaining health. And for small children it is important not only to move, but also to grow, develop, learn about the world. This is facilitated by physical education classes, which are regularly held in kindergarten. However, familiarizing a child with a healthy lifestyle begins in the family, so it is important for parents to know how to properly organize the movement regime of their offspring.
Аn adult is to direct the child’s activity in the right direction, to teach him to perform movements beautifully and technically correctly. Moreover, in the course of this it is extremely important to ensure the safety of the baby.

Directly learning movements begins when a child learns to walk. If he is already moving independently, then an adult asks him to approach his mom, dad, grandmother, walk along an improvised “walkway” (to do this, lay a piece of cloth on the floor or draw lines on the asphalt), step over the bands or ropes lying on the floor.

Closer to two years with the help of an adult baby passes on a low bench or boom. In addition to walking, children of this age are happy to crawl and perform various actions with the ball. An adult offers the baby to crawl “along the path”, as well as with insurance, try to climb a low surface or a short stepladder. The child holds the ball in his hands, carries it, puts it where it is shown, rolls down from a low slide.

When the baby is two years old, you can begin to learn to run. Only do it better in the yard or in the stadium. An adult picks up a toy, pretends to run away with it and offers his child to catch up with his beloved, for example, a bear. Then, on the contrary, the toy “catches up” with the child. Running is preceded and completed by walking.

Two-year-old baby is already clear what it is to sit down, bend over, raise and lower your arms. Therefore, you can try to do exercises with children of this age. It is better to use images when explaining the exercise: the chicken flaps its wings (raise its arms to the side, up, gently lower it), the chicken looks for chickens (bending forward), the chicks peck at the grain (sit down and knock their fingertips on the floor).

Children of this age love to play with the ball: roll it over each other, throw it, and then run after it, imitate a game of football. Also, kids are happy to climb and crawl. Climb up on low horizontal bars can only under the supervision of an adult. At the age of two to three years, children actively learn to jump, learn to jump on two legs, jump “over a streamlet” (two parallel lines).

The movements of four-year-olds are becoming more complex and diverse. They are happy to run, jump, throw the ball to each other, play complex outdoor games, invent movements independently. In winter, the four-year-olds roll themselves on a sled or ride each other. Parents are advised to purchase children’s skis, three- and two-wheeled bicycles, to enroll their child in the pool, if swimming classes are not provided in kindergarten.

At the age of five to six years, children master the elements of sports games – football, basketball, hockey, badminton, towns. An adult can join such fun. Team games are held according to simplified rules: a small number of participants, periods and periods of 5-10 minutes, and breaks – 10-15.

It is still difficult for children of this age to follow all the rules, paying attention to refereeing. Such wisdom is explained by an adult. It is also important to give the little players some points regarding the strategy and tactics of the game (for example, in football, not to hit the goal from the middle of the field, but to pass the ball, etc.).

With a six-year-old child, you can go on a one-day trip (up to two kilometers in both directions), to acquaint him with the basics of tourism.

If all members of the family are engaged in physical exercise, then it will become an easy task to involve the baby in physical exercises.

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