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How to teach a child to cook

Children from early age at home and in kindergarten are taught to self-care. Is cooking a child’s skill? No one disputes the importance of helping parents in the kitchen, but in most cases we take the baby out of the “cooker and sink” realm. Then X comes some time and comes the turn of surprise: why is this 12-year-old son reluctantly agree to chop vegetables for salad or wash dishes?

It is necessary to act correctly from the very beginning in order to reap the fruits of reasonable and good in the field of cooking with pleasure.

Encourage children to help cook
On the topic of cooking with the participation of the child between parents, especially mothers, there are heated debates. Teachers in such cases usually recall what a wonderful course “Technology” is in schools. Children from 2-3 classes master the methods of cooking and serving, table, get acquainted with the nutritional properties of products.

The most amazing thing is that schoolchildren are more proud of the fact that they have learned how to cook in school than the same knowledge and skills received from their mother. In their own kitchen there are no excellent ratings, no admiring glances of peers and teachers. Maybe that’s why a child gets less pleasure from cooking at home? All of these are controversial conclusions, and truth is born in heated discussions.

On a note! There are enthusiasts among parents who, from the age of one and a half, have been teaching the child in the kitchen to do everything together. This experience proves that our offspring have great potential, which many of us do not even suspect.

The problem is what work in the kitchen can be entrusted to the child, from what age to begin to train to prepare food. Most parents and teachers believe that 4–5 years old is the most favorable period to interest children in cooking.

There are few differences in the approach to training for girls and boys of preschool age. Children of both sexes are happy to go with their parents for groceries to the market and to the supermarket – this is also part of raising interest in cooking. Girls more often engage in table setting, while boys use kitchen appliances better. It should be noted that gender differences do not affect the culinary activities of children aged 2-3 years.

All the aforementioned age criteria are conditional, because each child goes his own way of development. Small gourmets and culinary specialists as early as 2 years old are happy to help mom set the table, carry plates to the sink after meals. Often, children of 6–7 years old do not seem interested in regular cooking, they will try to turn work into a noisy game that their parents probably don’t like.

Children in the kitchen: how to ensure safety and order
Bringing a child to cooking is a crucial moment. The safety of children and the peace of mothers will depend on how they will be trained in the proper handling of various kitchen utensils. For example, kids pull their hands to a hot saucepan without tack, spinning alongside when adults drain boiling water from potatoes or pasta. Parents should be in control of such situations, explain why it is dangerous to touch hot and sharp objects.

Of course, the child has a great desire to cut food with a knife, but from such experiments mother takes breath of fear. Parents should purchase specially designed knives with a blunt blade and a rounded tip. Or give a plastic knife from a set of disposable utensils.

On a note! From about 6 years old a child can use a real kitchen knife for work. However, the child must first have experience of interaction with the “child’s” knife (with a blunt blade and a rounded end) and, of course, the use of the “adult” knife should be done under the close supervision of the parents and for the intended purpose, that is, for cutting food, or during consumption food, cutting off such a knife pieces of meat or vegetables.

Whatever the culinary success of small children, working with an electric blender is not recommended to trust them. Preschoolers can put food in a microwave to warm up, whip cream with a mixer, but they must carry out such tasks under the supervision of an adult.

Is cooking with children a mess in the kitchen, a pile of dirty dishes, a dirty stove? From the very beginning, the child should be made to understand that all the utensils after work are returned to their places, the waste is sent to the trash can, and the dishes are washed. It is in preschool age that people are trained to clean the kitchen, wash their hands before working with products and after, tie up their hair.

Over time, children begin to automatically adhere to safe behavior, keep order. It is possible that the kid drops the plate or jug ​​on the floor, break the dishes. Parents should calmly respond, do not blame, do not break on the cry. You can imagine your child’s boss on the spot. What would be the reaction in this case?

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How to teach a child to cook
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