to communicate with a teenager correctly so that everyone is happy. 7 rules for parents and children.
All parents have one common dream, so that the time has come faster when you…

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How to support a child who has undergone bulling. Councils of a famous psychologist.
Parents should always remember that their children need their understanding and attention, and sometimes protection.…


Good intentions ... Errors in education
As they grow up, each person realizes that life is not so cloudless. Other people's…

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How to create a good relationship with a stubborn child. Councils of a famous psychologist.
Stubborn children, according to their parents, are endowed with an unbearable, explosive and harmful character.…


attention deficit

Going to work after maternity leave: how can mother and child avoid stress?

Maternity leave ends? Need to go to work? Horror! This is how the situation seems to many moms. This is stressful for mom, because she no longer represents a day without her beloved child. Survive this moment with minimal losses is possible with a clear understanding of the need for what is happening. First of all, the mother should explain to herself why she should change her usual way of life and what consequences she would expect.

Mom’s moral preparation for going to work after maternity leave: “yes” or “no”? Continue reading

What are the expenses for the child to plan

Children are a joy, but at the same time cares, difficulties and constant expenses. A child always needs new things, good nutrition, various objects intended for school and rest, requires its own separate space, which would be made in accordance with children’s desires.

All these requests make our life a real bustle, the main purpose of which is the constant process of making money. Is it possible to somehow avoid it? It turns out that you can, if properly plan all financial expenses. Continue reading

9 simple ways to help your child become independent

Allow your little children independent activities, praise them and then they will succeed.

1. Encourage independence
If your baby is dressing, do not be tempted to say: “Why did you not wear this shirt?”. Say: “Well done! You dressed yourself. ”If your child made his bed, say:“ Great job! ”, But in no case:“ It still looks sloppy ”Your main goal is to encourage independence, not to clean the bedroom. Continue reading

How to raise a child with normal self-esteem
Modern mothers today devote much more time to babies than before. They play with children,…


How to teach a child to be friends
Often, many parents notice that their child is lonely. In the yard he plays away…


Child's temperament
All kids love games. But some children after their fun - flat upside down, while…
