We train attention at the child: a guide for curious parents
Attention - one of the most important human qualities, so necessary in order to select…

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Is your child genius or “ordinary”?
Of course, every parent believes that his child is “the very-best.” The smartest, smartest, most…


10 rules of communication between father and daughter
Of course, the role of both the mother and the father is important in raising…

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How to help your child tune in to school after the summer holidays.
Some gladly waited for the start of their studies to meet with classmates, while others…


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9 simple ways to help your child become independent

Allow your little children independent activities, praise them and then they will succeed.

1. Encourage independence
If your baby is dressing, do not be tempted to say: “Why did you not wear this shirt?”. Say: “Well done! You dressed yourself. ”If your child made his bed, say:“ Great job! ”, But in no case:“ It still looks sloppy ”Your main goal is to encourage independence, not to clean the bedroom. Continue reading

What else does a big child not have to be a nanny for a younger one?
As in the opinion of famous psychologists, the eldest child, you can not become a…


Is your child genius or “ordinary”?
Of course, every parent believes that his child is “the very-best.” The smartest, smartest, most…


The musical education of the child at home and at school. Advice for parents and educators
There is no person who does not like music. Each of us has our favorite…
