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10 rules of communication between father and daughter

Of course, the role of both the mother and the father is important in raising the child. It is the father who must show his son how a real man should behave, and his daughter should be sent on the right path in choosing a partner in the future. But this is all in general. Below I would like to touch on the role of the father in raising my daughter in more detail.

You should not be fenced off from the daughter. The most common mistake in the behavior of the father is the passing to the background in the upbringing of the girl. This is primarily due to the fact that they are of different genders. According to the man, once a girl was born, the mother should take the main role in the upbringing. To some extent this is so, but not fully. It is through the relationship with the father that the girl learns to communicate with the opposite sex, it is the behavior of the father that is a kind of “ideal” of the man and men’s actions in general;

Develop the right behavior. According to some tradition, in the family, the father assumes the role of strict and unbiased. That is why mothers very often scare girls. “Here comes the father, he will punish you.” And it makes it difficult to make contact. Show that you are a strict but fair dad. And besides punishments can something good. But one should not be too zealous: one should not constantly throw a daughter with presents, allow her everything she wants and forgive all wrongdoings (otherwise she will get used to consumer attitude and will perceive men only as a source for satisfying material needs). Choose a middle ground;
Get a trust relationship. A daughter must be sure that at any moment she will be able to come to you, talk about her problems, and in return will always receive support and understanding. It is easier for a girl to share a painful one with her father: men are by their nature not talkative, so the secret of her daughter will remain a secret. Thus, you will not only be aware of everything that happens in the girl’s life, but you will look like a reliable comrade in her eyes;
Feel free to play. By nature, for some reason, men are embarrassed to play with their daughter: try cooked “food” from toy dishes, decorate her dolls together, and roll her “daughter” in a wheelchair. All this seems shameful to a man. And there is nothing wrong with that. But if the father is shy to play with his daughter at an early age, then what will happen when she grows up? And note, not necessarily only play dolls. Nothing prevents to arrange a race on typewriters or build a house of cubes. Show imagination, ask the opinion of the daughter, but do not deny the game. It is through games that the child learns the world, learns what is good and what is bad;
Do not deceive and hide the truth. The main difference between raising a mother and the father of a daughter is that the mother is trying to protect the child from all bad things. Therefore, it presents everything in a positive light, hiding the true state of affairs. The father speaks as it really is. Without any masks, he sees all the pros and cons of his daughter and can point to them. That father will be able to tell his daughter about those things that will be useful to her when communicating with the opposite sex, will be able to tell without embellishment not only about the good, but also about the bad. He sees how a woman should be in order to succeed in family life, and this is what his daughter teaches;
Let me be independent. Quite often, the father stops all independence in the actions of his daughter. The thing is that he will make it much faster and better. But without practice, the daughter cannot learn anything. Since childhood, she should know about everything that a woman does around the house. And not only know, but also try to do. Let not so quickly, not so skillfully and not so “qualitatively”, but still independently. Going to the store, cutting vegetables, washing the dress of dolls, washing a cup behind you, cleaning up the table – it will be easy to do, but it will teach the girl to work and order;
Help develop the right behavior. It is the father who can help his daughter accept his gender and realize the right behavior. If the mother sees in the daughter, first of all, her child, then the father sees in her child a daughter. From her very birth, he treats her like a future woman. Unlike the mother, he pays great attention to gender characteristics and, as a rule, forms the first in her daughter’s conception of femininity and female behavior in general;
Learn beauty. The girl is, first of all, beauty. So try to learn. Weave pigtails, understand the fashion, paint your nails, do unusual hair styles – this is nothing complicated. And this, in turn, will not only bring you closer to your daughter, but also allow her to be proud of her father. After all, not many girls can boast that their pigtail is braided not by mom, but by dad. In her eyes you will be a real hero. In addition, no one guarantees that the mother will not leave for a couple of days on business, and the father will not be left alone with her daughter. So all his skills will come in handy. At the same time, your success in beauty will show her that men can be not only strong and determined, but also gentle and caring.

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