The white crow – not like a child – need help
Rogue people live near us, inside of us since childhood. An acute problem is characterized by various psychological terms: the white crow, the black sheep, the ugly duckling. What are the origins of this phenomenon? This is only the beginning of the list of issues that the article is devoted to.
Is the problem of obscure children true or contrived?
People should be proud that they are different – says British actor Daniel Radcliffe, known to many viewers for his role as a young wizard Harry Potter in the eponymous Anglo-American franchise. Representatives of social psychology, on the contrary, note the desire of a person to be similar to the members of his group.
The theme of the feelings of the rogue child is well-developed by the masters of the pen, filmmakers. Many famous people admit that being children and teenagers they did not get along with their surroundings. Outsiders have a whole gamut of conflicting feelings. The rejected child despises “pets”, but reaches for popular children, wants to please everyone.
Social roles are emerging early. The outcast preschooler plays separately, he is avoided by other children. Mockery, harassment against the so-called “nerds” by classmates are becoming commonplace in school.
As the albino crow is noticeable in the flock, so the outcast child stands out in the children’s collective.
What should adults do: watch or act indifferently? First you need to find out the source of hostility. Sociometry is used for this purpose – a method that allows you to track intragroup emotional relationships. The study finds out which of the children and why becomes the leader or the white raven.
How to get the results of sociometry?
The method of a peculiar measurement of interpersonal relations was proposed by Jacob Moreno. This American psychologist rightly believed that the relationship determines the performance of the individual, the success of the entire group. Sociometry has become a common practice, applied by school teachers.
Methods of studying the preferences of children provides a written survey. Each participant gives answers by specifying the names of classmates whom he would invite for his birthday (I would like to participate together in a theatrical production, to carry out the responsible assignment of the teacher).
Sociometry allows you to identify leaders, outsiders, to determine the range of likes and dislikes. If we are talking about the position of outcasts, then it is sociometric studies that allow us to work with them.
Leaders most often become active and positive children. Openness to communication increases the emotional status, the value of the child among classmates. Outsiders are a heterogeneous group:
1) neglected children;
2) derelicts falling into the number of unwanted guests or companions;
3) isolated guys, in relation to which there are no positive and negative choices.
Rejected child – what is characteristic of him?
Educators repeatedly notice harassment of an outcast child. Educators, teachers sometimes are struck by the insubstantiality of the reasons for persecution. Even less understand the initial positions of the parties to the conflict parents. “What are they missing?” They wonder, puzzled.
The role of the victim is prepared for a special child. Outcast is:
• possessor of a physical defect noticeable to others, such as strabismus, myopia, lameness, scar, stuttering;
• child suffering from urinary incontinence, excessive sweating;
• an untidy dressed schoolboy;
• Losers, repeaters;
• closed, shy, uncommunicative;
• “quiet,“ weak, ”“ whiner, ”“ dirty, ”“ mumble, ”“ pet, ”“ sneak ”(according to the classmates of the white crows).
The most characteristic psychological feature of an outcast is inadequate self-esteem (understated or exaggerated).
Observant teachers, psychologists will argue, they say, popular children, too, are too high opinion of themselves. Outcast child is distinguished by defensive aggression directed outward. Other psychological features of the white crow:
• confidence that others underestimate him;
• explanation of unsuccessful relationships with peers for external reasons;
• denial of one’s own guilt;
• rejection of classmates who tease, call names;
• the constant mention of its exclusivity;
• feeling lonely.
Initiators of harassment – who are they?
Be sure to find guys who do not like someone from classmates. Starts ridicule, demonstrative exclusion from the circle of friends, games. Alfred Adler, one of the leading Austrian psychologists of the 19th century, considered those who were “offended by life” to be the first contenders for the offenders of other people. Adler watched as his superiority — an inferiority complex — often hides behind a superiority complex.
Among the instigators of the persecution of a child outcast may be quite prosperous children. Often the younger generation models the position of their parents, suffering from a lack of tolerance, as well as snobbery and chauvinism.
The desire for self-affirmation at the expense of a more vulnerable child