Why all the failures, we blame their parents.
Many of us, experiencing fatal bad luck, at least once, blamed their parents for this.…

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The white crow - not like a child - need help
Rogue people live near us, inside of us since childhood. An acute problem is characterized…


What you need to know about children's camps
Summer camp is a program for children, which is held in the summer. One of…

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Why all the failures, we blame their parents.
Many of us, experiencing fatal bad luck, at least once, blamed their parents for this.…


required things

What to do with the child in bad weather?

This children’s masturbation has always been and remains for parents delicate, difficult and deep. First of all, it is connected with the sexual identity and sexuality of the parents themselves. But everything is in order.

In this article, I propose to consider the following questions:

What is children’s onanism and what are the causes of children’s onanism?

What are the consequences of parents’ erroneous actions for the future life of their child? Continue reading

We read fairy tales with benefit

In our age of new technologies, parents increasingly prefer cartoons. It’s so much simpler: put his favorite cartoon to the child and you can go about your business. Against this background, the good old fairy tale began to fade into the background.

To us, adults, from the height of past years, it seems that all the fairy tales are somehow “evil” or a bit strange. But this is for us. A child cannot take a fairy tale with the same seriousness. For him, this is a kind of encyclopedia. It is from her that he learns that there is good and evil, that even from the most difficult situation you can find a way out, he acquires worldly wisdom. The fairy tale teaches him to help others, to be brave, resourceful, hardworking, patient. Fairy-tale characters by their example show what happens to those who commit bad deeds, who do not listen to others. And it all happens in the form of a game. Continue reading

Traveling with a child: what do parents need to know?

We decided on the first rest with the child? Or are you an experienced parent who knows all the wisdom of a great vacation spent with children at sea? And in fact, and in another case, you know that traveling with a baby is a responsible and rather tempting event. In order not to become a daily torture for you and your baby for a few weeks away from home, you need to foresee all the nuances and possible difficulties.

Small children should rest in similar climatic conditions. Of course, this does not mean that the way to the sea is cut off by those living beyond the Arctic Circle. We are talking about exotic countries and resorts, national cuisines, tropical climates – all this is so far nothing for little travelers. Continue reading

Put on the first number
Our traditional upbringing is built on the fact that a child can, and sometimes needs…


Physical education for a preschooler
Everyone knows what role movement plays in maintaining health. And for small children it is…


What to do with the child in bad weather?
This children's masturbation has always been and remains for parents delicate, difficult and deep. First…
