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What you need to know about children’s camps

Summer camp is a program for children, which is held in the summer. One of the main objectives of the summer camps is the cultural and educational development of children.

In the summer camp, children are in nature and are united by common activities, under the supervision of competent teachers. The guys participate in interesting events, which contributes to the development of useful communication skills.

In the camp, the children follow a certain daily routine. A shift can last from 5 days to several weeks. The most common camp stay around the clock, in which the guys live constantly throughout the shift. The shift program is tailored to the needs of children of a certain age.

Recreation location

When choosing a camp for a child you need to pay attention to its location. Especially attractive are camps that are located in picturesque areas. It is advisable to choose the place of rest of the child so that it is relatively far from the major city, industrial facilities, highways.

Beneficial effect on the health of the child rest in a secluded place, surrounded by forests, hills, mountains. It is very good if there is a river nearby or a sea.

Qualification of teachers

Of great importance for an interesting and safe rest of your baby is the qualification of the camp staff. It is necessary to meet in advance with the leader of the detachment in which the child will be. In personal communication, such qualities as sociability, leadership abilities, moral values, experience are revealed.

Signs of a good children’s camp

To learn about the history of the camp, you can search for reviews about it on the Internet. In good camps from season to season there is a joyful atmosphere. In such places are created sincere friendships that persist for a very long time, and sometimes for life.

Therefore, students of many summer camps create their own forums on the Internet. Some organizations make forums on their official sites. Reliable information can be obtained through such informal sources.

Summer camps for children: classification

Children’s Health Camp

A camp of this type is located outside the city and can be organized according to the tourist system or based in stationary buildings.

Sanatorium camp for children

Camps of this type are organized on the basis of medical centers or on the territory of schools, which are located next to the clinics. In such places of rest, comfortable conditions are created both for the general health of children and for the prevention of various diseases. In order to place a child in a sanatorium camp, an extract from his medical card is needed, and a certificate from a local doctor or a specialist is needed if he has a child.

At the beginning of the shift, each child is examined by a doctor. Then he makes an individual recovery plan for the kid.

Training camp for children

The training camp is differently called the summer school. Such camps are divided into 3 types:

for children who need help in studying the school program;
for children interested in obtaining additional knowledge, for example, mathematical, historical, language summer schools;
Preparatory summer courses for admission to the university with accommodation for high school students.
In the camps of this type, children attend 2-3 lessons per day. However, the atmosphere at such classes is more informal than in a regular school.

Camp sports for children

In the camp of this type, much attention is paid to the sports development of children. These camps can be divided into 2 types:

for children who are seriously engaged in any sport;
for the overall development of the guys.
Typically, the camps of the first type are formed on the basis of sports schools and sections, and the second type on the basis of secondary schools. Children are enrolled in different groups in accordance with their age and physical training in teams for trained athletes or beginners.

Asset camp

This camp operates according to the plan of a registered children’s organization. Such camps can be fully functional or function as part of any country camp.

Children’s camp of profile type

In such a camp, the focus of the activities of the children is clearly defined. It exists on the basis of various centers and sections of leisure, such as environmental, chemical, military-patriotic, artistic, and others.

In specialized type camps, children are enrolled in groups by hobbies and level of their training.

From what age can one child be sent to camp

Experts believe that children can be sent alone to the camp from school age, that is, from 6-7 years. Children of this age can be enrolled in a camp if there is an appropriate detachment in it or for programs specially designed for this age.

But in each individual case, one must take into account the mental and physiological characteristics of the child.

What to look for when choosing a children’s camp

When choosing a camp for a child you need to pay attention to accommodation. Today in children’s camps there are 3 types of accommodation.

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What you need to know about children's camps
Summer camp is a program for children, which is held in the summer. One of…
