Mom, play with me!
Mama! The most beautiful word on earth! The most affectionate, most dear. Once you yourself…

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How to develop attention in a child
While the child is absolutely small, various bright and musical (sounding) objects can hold his…


How to improve relations with the children of her husband from a previous marriage.
Many women get men who have children from their previous marriage. And this is a…

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Physical education for a preschooler
Everyone knows what role movement plays in maintaining health. And for small children it is…


almost impossible

Safe behavior for children at home, on the street, on the road

After another horrific news on the Internet or in the news, we want to hold our child everywhere by the hand in order to protect against all potential misfortunes and misfortunes. But we all understand that it is not always possible for a child to “dress in a bulletproof vest” and drive him by the hand, which is why it is important to teach a child to be independent, to disclose to him all the safety rules for being outdoors and at home. Continue reading

What you need to know about children’s camps

Summer camp is a program for children, which is held in the summer. One of the main objectives of the summer camps is the cultural and educational development of children.

In the summer camp, children are in nature and are united by common activities, under the supervision of competent teachers. The guys participate in interesting events, which contributes to the development of useful communication skills.

In the camp, the children follow a certain daily routine. A shift can last from 5 days to several weeks. The most common camp stay around the clock, in which the guys live constantly throughout the shift. The shift program is tailored to the needs of children of a certain age. Continue reading

We teach the child the rules of good tone. Etiquette and behavior at the table

Great attention should be paid to the topic of etiquette in raising a child, because each parent wants his beloved child to grow up not only an educated and intelligent person, but also a cultured one who knows how to behave correctly, beautifully and intelligently in any situation.
A large role in shaping good manners must be given to the rules of behavior at the table. After all, these skills will be useful to your child at an early age, when he goes to kindergarten. Continue reading

How to teach a child to independently perform the lessons. Councils of a famous psychologist.
If you don’t want to supervise the implementation of your student’s lessons before graduation, then…


How to create a good relationship with a stubborn child. Councils of a famous psychologist.
Stubborn children, according to their parents, are endowed with an unbearable, explosive and harmful character.…


How to help your child tune in to school after the summer holidays.
Some gladly waited for the start of their studies to meet with classmates, while others…
