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to communicate with a teenager correctly so that everyone is happy. 7 rules for parents and children.

All parents have one common dream, so that the time has come faster when you can safely communicate with the teenager, discuss any issues and attend various events. However, many parents have to live in a chaos of incomprehensible relations with a teenager, suffer from omissions, pursed lips and demonstrative slamming of doors.

How to communicate with a teenager so that everyone is happy? 5 rules for parents and children.

According to the famous American psychologist, parents need to be patient in order to calmly survive the difficult times of the adolescent period. This will help a few rules with which you need to get acquainted with all parents, even with small children, to be ready for the transformation of a calm child into a daring teenager.

– What are the rules to follow parents and children.

Parents need to remember that a teenager is trying, by any means, to achieve independence, the establishment of personal boundaries and their own order. You must respect his rights and use the general rules for both parties.

* Leaving the house, he must say: where and with whom he will spend his time, and when he returns. This is a mandatory rule, for the tranquility of the parents and the confidence that the child is safe.

* Need to know who your child is talking to. If he is absent for a long time, you can get in touch with friends or their parents to understand where your teenager is and how to proceed.

* It is necessary to respect the personal space of a teenager, but not to tolerate unacceptable. Accept the fact that at age 14 a teenager has the right to:

– long talk on the phone with friends;

– engage in personal affairs;

– keep a diary that cannot be viewed by parents and strangers;

– to demand that people do not rush into his room without knocking;

* Find time to talk and talk about your adolescence. The teenager will be enthusiastically listening to the story of your “exploits” and how you have learned to be discerning in people. A parent needs to tell by his own example about the existing betrayals, even among friends. Teach your child observation, the ability to understand people and events, how to make the right decisions.

* In difficult and unforeseen situations, act like an adult, quickly and deliberately. If the child did not come home at the agreed time, or he is not there where he went, then immediately proceed to his search.

If you unexpectedly returned home late from the cottage, and drunken teenagers are resting in your apartment, then try to contact their parents so that they know where their children are and make the right decision.

The child came late and with the smell of alcohol, do not scold him, but put him to bed, and in the morning have a conversation, without shouting and insults. The teenager must understand that you will not tolerate such phenomena.

* In any situation, keep yourself in hand, do not get lost on the cry, do not use threats and do not read morality. Try to calmly find out the cause of the negative phenomenon and show your attitude to this.

* Try to spend more time in joint walks, visits to concerts and the gym. At the weekend, go to the woods for barbecues and invite friends of your son or daughter. So you will improve relationships with a teenager and make them more trusting.

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