We teach the child the rules of good tone. Etiquette and behavior at the table
Great attention should be paid to the topic of etiquette in raising a child, because…

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The musical education of the child at home and at school. Advice for parents and educators
There is no person who does not like music. Each of us has our favorite…


Why all the failures, we blame their parents.
Many of us, experiencing fatal bad luck, at least once, blamed their parents for this.…

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Why all the failures, we blame their parents.
Many of us, experiencing fatal bad luck, at least once, blamed their parents for this.…


evening time

Child’s temperament

All kids love games. But some children after their fun – flat upside down, while others – everywhere is a complete order, under the arm of a book or an album and pencils. Why? Is it possible that a person’s temperament is so clearly manifested at such an age?Exactly! The personality of the child in society begins to take shape after three years, and then you can already determine the temperament of your grown-up offspring.
Of course, in each child you can see several types of temperament, but there is always a dominant one. Continue reading

Nurture accuracy and diligence in the child

Have you ever wondered about how interconnected such concepts as raising a child in order and diligence? The answer to this question should be obvious: accuracy and diligence can be brought up only at the same time, since one is simply inseparable from one another.

It is very noticeable how neat the child becomes, getting closer to the younger school age, but the problem is that it is too late to start bringing up accuracy and love of work at this age. Continue reading

What are the expenses for the child to plan

Children are a joy, but at the same time cares, difficulties and constant expenses. A child always needs new things, good nutrition, various objects intended for school and rest, requires its own separate space, which would be made in accordance with children’s desires.

All these requests make our life a real bustle, the main purpose of which is the constant process of making money. Is it possible to somehow avoid it? It turns out that you can, if properly plan all financial expenses. Continue reading

10 things not to say to the child. How to become your child friend
Many parents have difficulties, often they fail to find a common language with their child.…


Put on the first number
Our traditional upbringing is built on the fact that a child can, and sometimes needs…


Going to work after maternity leave: how can mother and child avoid stress?
Maternity leave ends? Need to go to work? Horror! This is how the situation seems…
