Causes of senseless lies in children
Children can be deceived when they are afraid that they will be scolded, or when…

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9 simple ways to help your child become independent
Allow your little children independent activities, praise them and then they will succeed. 1. Encourage…


Nurture accuracy and diligence in the child
Have you ever wondered about how interconnected such concepts as raising a child in order…

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Special children - special attention and understanding of others
Autism, Angelman syndrome - just the beginning of the list of 40 diseases that make…


long time

Child’s temperament

All kids love games. But some children after their fun – flat upside down, while others – everywhere is a complete order, under the arm of a book or an album and pencils. Why? Is it possible that a person’s temperament is so clearly manifested at such an age?Exactly! The personality of the child in society begins to take shape after three years, and then you can already determine the temperament of your grown-up offspring.
Of course, in each child you can see several types of temperament, but there is always a dominant one. Continue reading

How to captivate children on the way to travel?
The reality of today is such that a lot of time has to be spent…


Is your child genius or “ordinary”?
Of course, every parent believes that his child is “the very-best.” The smartest, smartest, most…


Traveling with a child: what do parents need to know?
We decided on the first rest with the child? Or are you an experienced parent…
