How to teach a child to independently perform the lessons. Councils of a famous psychologist.
If you don’t want to supervise the implementation of your student’s lessons before graduation, then…

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We train attention at the child: a guide for curious parents
Attention - one of the most important human qualities, so necessary in order to select…


How to create a good relationship with a stubborn child. Councils of a famous psychologist.
Stubborn children, according to their parents, are endowed with an unbearable, explosive and harmful character.…

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How to captivate children on the way to travel?
The reality of today is such that a lot of time has to be spent…


friends very scrupulously

Child’s temperament

All kids love games. But some children after their fun – flat upside down, while others – everywhere is a complete order, under the arm of a book or an album and pencils. Why? Is it possible that a person’s temperament is so clearly manifested at such an age?Exactly! The personality of the child in society begins to take shape after three years, and then you can already determine the temperament of your grown-up offspring.
Of course, in each child you can see several types of temperament, but there is always a dominant one. Continue reading

Children's fears: the causes of their appearance and methods of dealing with them.
Almost all children are afraid of something. Some fears appear closer to school age, while…


How to create a good relationship with a stubborn child. Councils of a famous psychologist.
Stubborn children, according to their parents, are endowed with an unbearable, explosive and harmful character.…


Dad can, dad can ...
The culture of motherhood and the lifestyle of young mothers change significantly due to the…
