We read fairy tales with benefit
In our age of new technologies, parents increasingly prefer cartoons. It's so much simpler: put…

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to communicate with a teenager correctly so that everyone is happy. 7 rules for parents and children.
All parents have one common dream, so that the time has come faster when you…


How to choose a school for a child
Deciding on a place to study for your favorite first grader is not an easy…

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How to raise a sense of style and beauty in a daughter
It is always pleasant to look at girls dressed with taste, who know how to…


maintain harmony

The development of logic in children. Exercises and recommendations

The development of the logical thinking of a child is no less important than their mastering of reading, writing and speech skills. Logic for children is the basis of good intelligence, it helps to think extensively, analyze, reason, compare and draw conclusions. The formation of the logical skills of the child should be paid attention from an early age.

Thus, a small person will be able to better understand the world around us, to receive a harmonious and comprehensive development. In this article we will show you how to develop logical thinking in a child, provide exercises and recommendations on this topic. Continue reading

Dad can, dad can …

The culture of motherhood and the lifestyle of young mothers change significantly due to the emergence of new needs for children, new available information about parenthood and opportunities.

Moms communicate, develop, build their business, create communities, organize thematic meetings. The big role of mother is obvious. And along with this, little is said about “popes”. About their participation in the life of the baby and the role in education; that the life of a man and the relationship of spouses also change dramatically after the appearance of a child in the family. Continue reading

Online games that will impart good habits to children
The impact of online games on the behavior and development of children, especially on their…


What to do with the child in bad weather?
This children's masturbation has always been and remains for parents delicate, difficult and deep. First…


9 simple ways to help your child become independent
Allow your little children independent activities, praise them and then they will succeed. 1. Encourage…
