We teach the child the rules of good tone. Etiquette and behavior at the table
Great attention should be paid to the topic of etiquette in raising a child, because…

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Is your child genius or “ordinary”?
Of course, every parent believes that his child is “the very-best.” The smartest, smartest, most…


How to captivate children on the way to travel?
The reality of today is such that a lot of time has to be spent…

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The musical education of the child at home and at school. Advice for parents and educators
There is no person who does not like music. Each of us has our favorite…


Some guys direct

Special children – special attention and understanding of others

Autism, Angelman syndrome – just the beginning of the list of 40 diseases that make a person unattainable in this world.

The unknown author owns the phrase that has become winged: “Special children are embodied angels.” To give them pleasure means to join something bright and valuable. Angel children give us immeasurably more than they receive from us. Continue reading

How to support a child who has undergone bulling. Councils of a famous psychologist.
Parents should always remember that their children need their understanding and attention, and sometimes protection.…


10 tips for successful parenting
It is important to develop in the child internal motivation to increase self-esteem and help…


Causes of senseless lies in children
Children can be deceived when they are afraid that they will be scolded, or when…
