Why all the failures, we blame their parents.
Many of us, experiencing fatal bad luck, at least once, blamed their parents for this.…

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How to captivate children on the way to travel?
The reality of today is such that a lot of time has to be spent…


The development of logic in children. Exercises and recommendations
The development of the logical thinking of a child is no less important than their…

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Children and parents, do you want to rest?
Family is not only a family bond, but also everyday work on the relationship of…


very sweet

Cons modern education

Today, life is changing rapidly. Our reality is already unlike the measured existence of our parents. Modern children get a completely different than we, education. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, not very. Let’s try to figure out what worries us about the modern upbringing of parents, teachers and psychologists.

Consider the main disadvantages of modern education:

Child centrism Continue reading

Traveling with a child: what do parents need to know?
We decided on the first rest with the child? Or are you an experienced parent…


How to improve relations with the children of her husband from a previous marriage.
Many women get men who have children from their previous marriage. And this is a…


Children's fears: the causes of their appearance and methods of dealing with them.
Almost all children are afraid of something. Some fears appear closer to school age, while…
