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Cons modern education

Today, life is changing rapidly. Our reality is already unlike the measured existence of our parents. Modern children get a completely different than we, education. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, not very. Let’s try to figure out what worries us about the modern upbringing of parents, teachers and psychologists.

Consider the main disadvantages of modern education:

Child centrism

“My childhood was difficult, but my child will have everything!” “My child will get the best!”. Moms and dads who preach such principles of upbringing make their child the center of the Family World. They consider all the needs and whims of the baby as priorities.

And the main task of such parents is to provide their child with a maximum of entertainment, attention, and time. They forget about their needs and desires. The guys from these families attend a large number of different sections. They learn foreign languages ​​from the cradle. On weekends, parents take them on excursions, to parks, to museums. They are under the close supervision of adults all the time, who never for a minute leave the children alone. Often there is only one baby in a family, because parents do not want to take their attention away from a family idol.

The child grows self-centered and capricious. Raised in such conditions, the child tries as soon as possible to break away from the parents, as it takes their care as a means of control. When an adult child leaves her home, mom and dad feel worthless.

They do not even need each other, because the only thing that united them all these years was the care of the offspring. Such parents do not know what to do, since they have practically no interests of their own.


The most favorite toy of modern children is a tablet. Outdated anachronisms seem to children of the 21st century board games, trains, designers, dolls. As an alternative to playing on a computer, they agree to watch a cartoon, despite the warnings of neurologists and oculists.

For example, the latest study in the UK showed that every eighth baby had the first word not at all “mother”, but “tablet”. And it is no coincidence, since 70% of children, including those of preschool age, play with the tablet for at least three hours a day, often preferring it to other necessary activities.

Experts note that many children have a heavy dependence on various electronic devices. Therefore, computerization brings its own disadvantages in raising children. Of course, we must meet the modern conditions of life, but do not go too far. Computers can not replace the children walk in the fresh air, books, live communication with peers and family.


Nowadays, the problem of childhood obesity is acute. From an early age, children get used to eating fast food, fatty, very sweet and salty foods. Going into the first eatery, you will find two-year-olds, who fry french fries over both cheeks, with pleasure dipping it into sharp ketchup. After such a “savory” food, any healthy porridge or soup will seem to the child bland and tasteless. In addition, representatives of the older generation tend to overfeed grandchildren, because in their understanding of “plump” in a different way means “healthy.”

Excessive custody

Today, children acquire autonomy much later than before. There was a time when a first-grade student himself went home from school, did homework, warmed up dinner. Nowadays, such actions are trusted only to teenagers.

Children are met from school and escorted to class. Parents constantly call the child, controlling almost every movement. Of course, security is very important, but excessive guardianship does not contribute to the development of such necessary qualities as self-organization and responsibility in a child.

Cult of consumption

Pay attention to where the weekend you go to have fun with the whole family. Parents with children usually visit the nearest shopping center with playgrounds, cinema halls, cafes and shops. Shopping is becoming a natural part of our leisure. The rooms of many children are simply cluttered with toys that the kid never uses.

To be honest, a good reason for another unnecessary purchase are your favorite books, movies. Parents buy new and new gifts just to please their child. The producers of children’s goods are primarily interested in supporting the cult of consumption. Their income directly depends on the desire of parents to meet the growing needs of their children. But from small consumers grow adults who are not able to receive positive emotions without buying new things.

Progress cannot be stopped, but we must make every effort to teach our children to love intangible values, develop creative abilities, learn to come up with interesting activities that do not require a new set worth several thousand rubles.

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