We train attention at the child: a guide for curious parents
Attention - one of the most important human qualities, so necessary in order to select…

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What you need to know about children's camps
Summer camp is a program for children, which is held in the summer. One of…


How to teach a child to cook
Children from early age at home and in kindergarten are taught to self-care. Is cooking…

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Is your child genius or “ordinary”?
Of course, every parent believes that his child is “the very-best.” The smartest, smartest, most…


sufficiently formed

We teach the child the rules of good tone. Etiquette and behavior at the table

Great attention should be paid to the topic of etiquette in raising a child, because each parent wants his beloved child to grow up not only an educated and intelligent person, but also a cultured one who knows how to behave correctly, beautifully and intelligently in any situation.
A large role in shaping good manners must be given to the rules of behavior at the table. After all, these skills will be useful to your child at an early age, when he goes to kindergarten. Continue reading

How to create a good relationship with a stubborn child. Councils of a famous psychologist.
Stubborn children, according to their parents, are endowed with an unbearable, explosive and harmful character.…


Mom, play with me!
Mama! The most beautiful word on earth! The most affectionate, most dear. Once you yourself…


How to teach a child to be friends
Often, many parents notice that their child is lonely. In the yard he plays away…
