Children and parents, do you want to rest?
Family is not only a family bond, but also everyday work on the relationship of…

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Why all the failures, we blame their parents.
Many of us, experiencing fatal bad luck, at least once, blamed their parents for this.…


The musical education of the child at home and at school. Advice for parents and educators
There is no person who does not like music. Each of us has our favorite…

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Special children - special attention and understanding of others
Autism, Angelman syndrome - just the beginning of the list of 40 diseases that make…



How to raise a sense of style and beauty in a daughter

It is always pleasant to look at girls dressed with taste, who know how to properly present themselves in society. Probably, in many respects, this is the secret of female attractiveness. Of course, every mother wants her daughter to have the right ideas about beauty and style, to be a role model in this.

After all, it has long been known that a beautiful appearance and a properly chosen wardrobe is the key to success in your personal life, and often in work. Continue reading

10 things not to say to the child. How to become your child friend

Many parents have difficulties, often they fail to find a common language with their child.

It is sometimes difficult to understand how to react if a child starts to behave inadequately, stops listening and shows whims. Naturally, parents madly love their children and wish them only the best, but it is important to remember that any wrong act (even a carelessly abandoned phrase) can hurt and offend your child, which later can affect both his behavior and development. generally. Many parents often make mistakes in raising their children. We will talk about how not to behave with the child and what he should not say to build a good relationship.
So, what should not your child say? How to make a child a friend. Continue reading

Praise as an expression of love for a child

You praised the child, but the next time you completed an assignment, you noticed that the child didn’t perform it less efficiently or, worse, didn’t ignore the assignment. “What happened?” – you wonder.

The fact is that all children are different: some are calm, others are, on the contrary, hyperactive, some are sluggish, others are doing everything in a hurry. How can you praise your child in order not to make it worse in the future? Continue reading

How to teach a child to cook
Children from early age at home and in kindergarten are taught to self-care. Is cooking…


Put on the first number
Our traditional upbringing is built on the fact that a child can, and sometimes needs…


Good intentions ... Errors in education
As they grow up, each person realizes that life is not so cloudless. Other people's…
