9 simple ways to help your child become independent
Allow your little children independent activities, praise them and then they will succeed. 1. Encourage…

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Cons modern education
Today, life is changing rapidly. Our reality is already unlike the measured existence of our…


Put on the first number
Our traditional upbringing is built on the fact that a child can, and sometimes needs…

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Teach your child the rules of conduct in case of fire
Small children - big dreamers! By the number of invented games per minute, they will…


accomplish at every

9 simple ways to help your child become independent

Allow your little children independent activities, praise them and then they will succeed.

1. Encourage independence
If your baby is dressing, do not be tempted to say: “Why did you not wear this shirt?”. Say: “Well done! You dressed yourself. ”If your child made his bed, say:“ Great job! ”, But in no case:“ It still looks sloppy ”Your main goal is to encourage independence, not to clean the bedroom. Continue reading

How to raise a sense of style and beauty in a daughter
It is always pleasant to look at girls dressed with taste, who know how to…


Going to work after maternity leave: how can mother and child avoid stress?
Maternity leave ends? Need to go to work? Horror! This is how the situation seems…


Physical education for a preschooler
Everyone knows what role movement plays in maintaining health. And for small children it is…
