How to raise a sense of style and beauty in a daughter
It is always pleasant to look at girls dressed with taste, who know how to…

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We read fairy tales with benefit
In our age of new technologies, parents increasingly prefer cartoons. It's so much simpler: put…


The development of logic in children. Exercises and recommendations
The development of the logical thinking of a child is no less important than their…

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Teach your child the rules of conduct in case of fire
Small children - big dreamers! By the number of invented games per minute, they will…


especially girls

Mom, play with me!

Mama! The most beautiful word on earth! The most affectionate, most dear. Once you yourself babbled him, looking at the sweet face of the one you saw first in your life, feeling that amazing mother’s smell that you will not confuse with anyone else, realizing from the first minutes of your life that it is this creature your universe.

And now you yourself have become MAMA, and now your baby feels the same feelings. Just imagine how much you mean for this baby, dear and beloved. For 9 months, being inside of you, the crumb felt your warmth, grew and developed, getting from you food, hearing the music you listened to, the voices of the people with whom you spoke, reading any of your moods. Continue reading

What else does a big child not have to be a nanny for a younger one?

As in the opinion of famous psychologists, the eldest child, you can not become a full-fledged nanny for the younger one. Especially to those who have a difference in age less than ten years. Parents who make a nanny from an older child are at great risk of many undesirable consequences for both children.

What else should an older child not become a nurse for a younger one? Continue reading

How to improve relations with the children of her husband from a previous marriage.

Many women get men who have children from their previous marriage. And this is a normal phenomenon, as long as a woman behaves correctly in such a situation. After all, many are trying to forbid a man to meet with their children, and this is wrong. Children should not suffer because of the wrong decisions of adults.

How to improve relations with the children of her husband from a previous marriage?

From our article you will learn what to consider when dealing with your husband’s children and how to make relations with them normal. More articles on the topic baby. Continue reading

Is your child genius or “ordinary”?
Of course, every parent believes that his child is “the very-best.” The smartest, smartest, most…


What are the expenses for the child to plan
Children are a joy, but at the same time cares, difficulties and constant expenses. A…


Online games that will impart good habits to children
The impact of online games on the behavior and development of children, especially on their…
