How to raise a child with normal self-esteem
Modern mothers today devote much more time to babies than before. They play with children,…

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How to teach a child to be friends
Often, many parents notice that their child is lonely. In the yard he plays away…


The musical education of the child at home and at school. Advice for parents and educators
There is no person who does not like music. Each of us has our favorite…

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How to create a good relationship with a stubborn child. Councils of a famous psychologist.
Stubborn children, according to their parents, are endowed with an unbearable, explosive and harmful character.…


musical world

The musical education of the child at home and at school. Advice for parents and educators

There is no person who does not like music. Each of us has our favorite works that we want to listen and perform. Musical taste and understanding of music is formed since childhood, which is why it is very important what kind of music your child will listen and perform. The little musician, starting his acquaintance with music from simple melodies, will gradually find himself on the path that will lead him to become acquainted with the best works of classical composers, romantics, and impressionists.

Impact of music on the human brain Continue reading

How to develop attention in a child
While the child is absolutely small, various bright and musical (sounding) objects can hold his…


What you need to know about children's camps
Summer camp is a program for children, which is held in the summer. One of…


How to raise a sense of style and beauty in a daughter
It is always pleasant to look at girls dressed with taste, who know how to…
