What are the expenses for the child to plan
Children are a joy, but at the same time cares, difficulties and constant expenses. A…

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9 simple ways to help your child become independent
Allow your little children independent activities, praise them and then they will succeed. 1. Encourage…


The development of logic in children. Exercises and recommendations
The development of the logical thinking of a child is no less important than their…

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Put on the first number
Our traditional upbringing is built on the fact that a child can, and sometimes needs…


respect for themselves

Put on the first number

Our traditional upbringing is built on the fact that a child can, and sometimes needs to be spanked for offense. Or – put in the corner. Or – whip a towel lower back. Well, who did not go through this in childhood? But with the punishment of children, things are not so simp.

Slaps and cuffs show the child that beating is normal. Especially when a big one hits a small one, a strong one hits a weak one. Children begin to think that any problem can be solved with the help of force, and in the future they will resort to it in relations with their peers, spouses, and their own children. Continue reading

What to do with the child in bad weather?
This children's masturbation has always been and remains for parents delicate, difficult and deep. First…


Children's fears: the causes of their appearance and methods of dealing with them.
Almost all children are afraid of something. Some fears appear closer to school age, while…


Child's temperament
All kids love games. But some children after their fun - flat upside down, while…
