Physical education for a preschooler
Everyone knows what role movement plays in maintaining health. And for small children it is…

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Praise as an expression of love for a child
You praised the child, but the next time you completed an assignment, you noticed that…


10 things not to say to the child. How to become your child friend
Many parents have difficulties, often they fail to find a common language with their child.…

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What to do with the child in bad weather?
This children's masturbation has always been and remains for parents delicate, difficult and deep. First…


before the mother

Going to work after maternity leave: how can mother and child avoid stress?

Maternity leave ends? Need to go to work? Horror! This is how the situation seems to many moms. This is stressful for mom, because she no longer represents a day without her beloved child. Survive this moment with minimal losses is possible with a clear understanding of the need for what is happening. First of all, the mother should explain to herself why she should change her usual way of life and what consequences she would expect.

Mom’s moral preparation for going to work after maternity leave: “yes” or “no”? Continue reading

The white crow - not like a child - need help
Rogue people live near us, inside of us since childhood. An acute problem is characterized…


Teach your child the rules of conduct in case of fire
Small children - big dreamers! By the number of invented games per minute, they will…


Special children - special attention and understanding of others
Autism, Angelman syndrome - just the beginning of the list of 40 diseases that make…
